Rocketman aside, the only other example of A-list male actors engaging in sexual acts with each other for the camera was Jake Gyllenhaal and Heath Ledger in Brokeback Mountain – which was released in 2006 and took 13 years to repeat. Studios have no problem throwing explicit sex scenes at A-list, Oscar-winning female stars like Cate Blanchett, Emma Stone and Olivia Coleman. Think of all the explicit woman-on-woman scenes you've seen recently in major films: The Favourite, Carol, Disobedience, Mulholland Drive, Collette. Hollywood doesn't seem to have the same problem with lesbian sex as it does gay male sex.
Unless, of course, the characters are gay. Sex scenes are part-and-parcel with Hollywood. The reason a lot of people tune in or buy tickets? Another yes. Taron Egerton as Elton John in a scene from Rocketman.